SAT SCORING Your answer sheet is evaluated by a scanning machine and the spaces blackened for each question are recorded on a computer tape. The computer compares your answers with the correct responses to calculate your raw score. Each correct answer is worth one point. Questions omitted do not count toward your score. For incorrect answers, fractions of points are deducted: 1/4 point for questions with five choices, and 1/3 point for questions with four choices. Therefore you should avoid random guessing. However, when you are able to reduce your choices to two, most educators advise you to guess. :RA The following conversion chart shows how raw scores are then converted into SAT scaled scores ranging from 200 to 800. The HAYDEN SCORE IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMutilizes this chart to calculate your SAT equivalent scores. :RA CONVERSION CHART ---------- ------ RAW SCORES TO COLLEGE BOARD SCORES --- ------ -- ------- ----- ------ RAW VERBAL RAW VERBAL SCORE SECTION SCORE SECTION 85 800 40 470 80 760 35 430 75 720 30 400 70 680 25 360 65 640 20 330 60 600 15 290 55 570 10 260 50 540 5 220 45 500 0 200 :RA RAW MATHEMATICAL RAW MATHEMATICAL SCORE SECTION SCORE SECTION 60 800 25 480 55 750 20 440 50 700 15 390 45 650 10 350 40 620 5 300 35 570 0 250 30 520 :RA Your performance is compared with the performances of other students in the country. Approximately two-thirds of the students who take the SAT score between 400 and 600 on each of the tests. The score required for admittance to a particular college or university is not fixed. No minimum score represents automatic admission. :ET :ET etween 400 and 600 on each of the tests. The score required for admittance to a p